Highlights of the BCAHA 2021 AGM

Aug 19, 2021 | Featured, Member Auxiliary Events, President's Message, Across the Province


It is our pleasure to announce, on behalf of the Chair of Nominations, Lynda Avis, the election by acclamation of the following:
President Diane Thornton, Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Vice President Carole Murray, Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary
Director of Finance Allana Ferro, Trail Hospital Auxiliary
Secretary Arline Allison, Shuswap Lake Health Care Auxiliary
Director of Communications Cheryl Fry, Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary

We welcome Carole to our group and thank and congratulate our 2021/2022 Executive. Installation of the Officers took place via Zoom at 1PM PST/2PM MST on May 2

Thank you everyone for participating in our Annual General Meeting and fingers crossed in 2022 we will be able to do this in person.
Diane Thornton AGM Chairperson and President


Motion 1 (Agenda item 8.0) Move that the agenda be approved as amended. M/S/C
Motion 2 (Agenda item 9.0) Move that the minutes of the June 16th, 2020 BCAHA Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated. M/S/C
Motion 3 (Agenda item 10.1.1) Move that the BCAHA Annual Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2020 be approved as presented. M/S/C
Motion 4 (Agenda item 10.1.2) Move that the firm of Gregory, Yick & Associates, Chartered Accountants be appointed as Professional Accountants for BCAHA until the end of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. M/S/C
Motion 5 (Agenda item 11.2.1) Move that all Acts, contracts, proceedings, appointments and payments made, done and taken by the Directors and Officers of BCAHA since the last Annual General Meeting held June 16, 2020 be approved, ratified and con-firmed. M/S/C
There were 82 votes cast and each motion passed unanimously.


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