Communications Director
South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation Appreciates Hospital Auxiliaries
Friday Facts: For decades, Hospital Auxiliaries have been the backbone of community healthcare—raising funds, supporting patients, and ensuring hospitals have the medical equipment they need. From running thrift and gift shops to organizing fundraisers and patient...
Well Done 100 Mile District General Hospital Auxiliary!!
In 2024 our Auxiliary purchased 2 phlebotomy carts for Acute Care and a Hyfrecator for Surgery. We also made a $2000.00 donation to Royal Inland hospital in Kamloops, as many of our patients go there for treatment. Altogether we donated $8518.00 from our fundraising....
Invest in Youth They Are our Future Langley Penny Pincher Did!!
Do you have young people help out with your Auxiliary? They are great at doing the tasks that we never seem to get to in our Thrift Store. What a pleasure to have this great group of young people helping out at the store. They are from the Christian Life Assembly....
Great Plan Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society!!
· Exciting News from DHAS! The Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society is proud to launch our new Strategic Plan—the result of six months of consultation, reflection, and planning. DHAS offers sincere thanks to all members of our community who submitted ideas and feedback...
Well done Squamish General Hospital Auxiliary!!
Carolynn, Giftshop treasurer presenting a $10,000.00 cheque from the sales at the Giftshop to Diane, Auxiliary Treasurer, towards the Ultrasound Machine Thank you to all who shop at the Giftshop Together we are making a difference
Chilliwack hospital Auxiliary’s Sad News!!
It is with heavy hearts that we are announcing that the Thrift Shoppe at 9236 Main Street will be holding our 26th Anniversary event on March 8, 2025 and then we will be closing up with sales until end of March and close our doors at the end of April, unable to...
Congratulations Ashcroft on 110 Years!!
Thank you to everyone who has supported the hospital auxiliary over the last 110-plus years. Our money still supports our local Healthcare facility as well as other Healthcare areas that our local citizens may need to use, such as RIH, and Children's Kelowna. Your...
Congrats on your new Location Auxiliary To Lions Gate Hospital !!
Carole and Barb attended the Grand Re Opening of the Lions Gate Auxiliary Thrift Store in their new location.
Kudos to Summerland Healthcare Auxiliary!!
Summerland Seniors Care Society Acquires a new passenger Van Thanks To Summerland Healthcare Auxiliary!! Hi folks!If you've ever wondered what we do with all the great donations that you give us.Well, we turn that into great things... like the picture below.Thanks to...
Well Done Penticton Hospital Auxiliary
Members of the Auxiliary met for a Valentines Tea today. tea and delicious treats were enjoyed by all. Our pledge of $400,000 is now complete and we are ready to begin our next project .
BCAHA Call For Nominations
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Greetings to all Member Auxiliaries! Each year we notify our member Auxiliaries at least 60 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting that an election of officers will take place at the AGM. This year’s AGM will be held electronically from...
Well Done Grand Forks Hospital Auxiliary
Delta Hospital Auxiliary Giving Back In Essential Healthcare
The Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society has donated $21,840 to the Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation to support the purchase of a Tovertafel Table for Mountain View Manor. This interactive game projector will provide engaging and stimulating activities for...
Well done Eagle Ridge Hospital Auxiliary!!
As of December 2024 Eagle Ridge Hospital Auxiliary has donated $2,012,377.73 to provide patient comforts and equipment to Eagle Ridge Hospital. Eagle Ridge Hospital Auxiliary began in 1976, before the hospital was built, and was part of the group that raised funds and...