March 2020 Covid-19 President’s Message

Mar 23, 2020 | Uncategorized

A word from the President:

The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected all our lives in the past weeks. BCAHA’s executive and Board of Directors have been monitoring this unprecedented situation and decided, on March 12, to cancel the April 20-22 AGM & Conference in Penticton.

The health and well-being of our members and those they serve must be our first consideration. Nothing is more important than our health.

Many of you have already suspended operations in your Thrift Stores and Gift Shops, postponed AGMs, and have taken a leave from volunteering in healthcare facilities until further notice. Thank you for taking the initiative and being vigilant.

I urge you to please contact your Health Authority, the BC Centre for Disease Control or the BC Ministry of Health with any COVID-19 related questions.

It is our responsibility to protect ourselves and those around us, and to set an example in our communities.

Our hearts and thoughts are with the health care workers on the front line and all those individuals and their families being affected by COVID-19.

Together we will get through this difficult time.

Marge Anderson
President, BCAHA

Helping Healthcare the Auxiliary Way


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