Opening Ceremony Quotes
The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia (right), greets BCAHA President Lynda Avis (middle) and BCAHA Vice President Margaret Anderson (left) at the BCAHA AGM & Conference opening ceremony in Kamloops, on April 24, 2017.
“Hospital Auxiliaries have existed in British Columbia since the turn of the last century. In 1889, the Vancouver General Hospital Auxiliary was the first to be incorporated, followed in 1891 by Chemainus, and in 1900 by Nanaimo.
Since 1944, there has been a provincial association providing support and education. Each year, at the provincial conference, Auxiliary delegates have come together to share information in a spirit of camaraderie. They have supported and celebrated membership in their provincial association throughout the years, and they have unfailingly worked together from their home auxiliaries to enhance healthcare in the communities in which they live. Together, in a myriad of ways, there’s no doubt that we have been successful and that we look forward to sharing and building on these successes in the days ahead.”
Lynda Avis, President, British Columbia Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries
“Sesquicentennial – isn’t that a great word? We’re a nation connected by our history, our railways, our national anthem, and our desire to contribute to global peace . . . In addition, Canada’s known and admired for its universal healthcare. The BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries has been a vital part of that healthcare picture for so very long, adding a consistent heart, keeping the history, and keeping the caring in our healthcare facilities.
Once again, as I read of the contributions of the auxiliaries to our hospitals, the figures are astounding—over $9,700,000. But I know that this is only part of the story and it is the volunteer hours, the caring, and the comfort during those lonely hours when we’re recovering. I’ve been there and I remember well waking up and seeing a familiar face . . . there are no dollar figures that can be attached to these services. Your organization is one of those that for generations has provided the services and the caring environment for those who need medical care . . . thank you for your dedication to your organization and to your communities both in the rural and the urban areas of British Columbia. Thank you for working towards healthy people, on healthy land, in healthy communities.
Thank you for making Canada a caring nation.”
The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
When you think of a hospital, you think about the emotions and the milestones in your lives. You think about your greatest highs—the birth of your children; your greatest reliefs—when your child is okay; and some of your deepest woes—when you lose a loved one in that place. It is a place of our deepest emotions, highs and lows, and you all witness it. You see it everyday—the tears, the smiles, and the relief.
I want to mention a couple of big numbers. 8.5 million dollars is a big number. You’re providing necessary health equipment to people who really need it. And here’s another big number that I want to share with you. And I want to applaud you. 1.3 million volunteer hours. That’s an amazing thing and I just want you to know just how astonishing that is . . . So I just want to stand up and acknowledge and thank you for the kind work that you do in Interior Health and also throughout the province.
John O’Fee, Chair of the Board of Directors, Interior Health Authority
Two years ago, I was in a village in East Africa and a lady told me, “Gratitude is the gateway to opening the heart.” And it moved me to tears. We’re here at this conference and you’re connecting and you’re interacting with other ladies and gentlemen from across the province . . . You build networks of people in the communities in which you live . . . There is a lady I met today who has been volunteering 46 years in healthcare. Is there anybody here who has volunteered for 50 years? Yes? Wow, that’s incredible; half a century, isn’t that amazing? It’s about service and dedication and making a difference . . . You look at the collective wisdom in this room today—a collective intelligence of like-minded people who are here to serve and to make a difference. It’s so very inspiring and as we look back every day, I encourage you to take time to reflect and to start your day with an attitude of gratitude as you count your blessings every day.
Darren Jacklin, keynote speaker; corporate trainer; author
Photos by Bob Clark