Dr Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
President/Marilyn Collison
We have 55 volunteers who are willing to give their time and energy to operate our small but very busy Thrift Store in nearby Vavenby, a small Gift Corner in the hospital (currently closed), an annual 50/50 raffle with a prize of $5,000 and a spring Garden Party, which is a luncheon with silent and live auction. For Christmas Craft Fairs we have work bees to make a nice variety of crafts to sell. We also apply for grants from the Thompson Nicola Regional District annually and Wells Gray Community Forests Association when the equipment we wish to purchase fits their criteria. In 2020 we applied for and received funds to help purchase a ventilator (our only one) from North Thompson Communities Foundation. For a small community we are always surprised and gratified by the amount we receive in monetary donations from individuals and businesses, sometimes in memory of loved ones and sometimes simply because they wish to support our cause.
For the comfort of all patients who stay in the hospital, we provide TVs with cable service free of charge to all acute care rooms as well as music and cable service to Forest View Extended Care lounge, palliative care room and family room.
New Years’ babies, receive a baby quilt and sweater, both made by some of our incredibly talented members. In appreciation for the support, we receive from local businesses, on Auxiliary Day in non-Covid times we delivered to them packages of home-made candy. Every year we receive a prioritized Wish List of equipment from Hospital Administration, complete with a detailed description, price, and department. At our AGM we vote on which items we will purchase according to need and funds available.