100 Mile District General Hospital Auxiliary
President/ Lynn Olsen
Our purpose is to further the welfare of the 100 Mile District General Hospital and we do so through our two beverage dispensing machines, our gift shop and tuck cart (when able), and various fundraising activities. We host a concert in May and receive the proceeds. We hold a garage/yard sale in June, and we hold bake sales about four times a year. We have an annual raffle (maybe two) with ticket selling in the community.
Over the years, we have received donations from the 100 Mile House Lions and the 100 Mile House Legion to put towards our purchase of equipment. We advertise our presence in the community at the annual Santa Claus parade, we submit articles to our local newspaper, we have a booth at our local Seniors Resource Fair, and we have a member participate in the South Cariboo Health Foundation. The Auxiliary offers a yearly scholarship to a graduate from our local high school that plans to enter a medical field and this year there are two scholarships. 100 Mile District Gen Hospital Auxiliary also makes a yearly donation to Royal Inland Hospital as many in our community are sent to Kamloops.